CLS INPUT "Enter any number"; N FOR I = 1 TO 10 PRINT N ; "X' ; I ; "=" ; N*I NEXT I END
QBASIC to display Factors
CLS INPUT "Enter any number"; N FOR I = 1 TO N IF N MOD I = 0 THEN PRINT I NEXT I END
QBASIC to check Factorial
CLS INPUT "Enter any number"; N F = 1 FOR I = 1 TO N F = F*I NEXT I PRINT "Factorial="; F END
QBASIC to check Factorial
CLS INPUT "Enter any number"; N F = 1 FOR I = 1 TO N F = F*I NEXT I PRINT "Factorial="; F END
QBASIC to check Factorial
CLS INPUT "Enter any number"; N F = 1 FOR I = 1 TO N F = F*I NEXT I PRINT "Factorial="; F END
QBASIC to check prime or Composite
CLS INPUT "Enter any number"; N C = 0 FOR I = 1 TO N IF N MOD I = 0 THEN C = C+1 NEXT I IF C = 2 THEN PRINT "The number is prime" ELSE PRINT "The number is composite" END IF END
QBASIc to check Armstrong or not
CLS INPUT 'Enter any number'; N A = N S = 0 WHILE N <> 0 R = N MOD 10 S = S+R^3 N = N\10 WEND IF A=S THEN PRINT "The number is armstrong" ELSE PRINT "The number is not armstrong" END IF END
QBASIC to check Palindrome or not
CLS INPUT "Enter any number"; N A = N S = 0 WHILE N <> 0 R = N MOD 10 S = S*10+R N = N\10 WEND IF A= S THEN PRINT " The number is palindrome" ELSE PRINT "The number is not palindrome" END IF END
QBASIC To Reverse Digits
CLS INPUT "Enter any number"; N S = 0 WHILE N<> 0 R = N MOD 10 S = S*10+R N = N\10 WEND PRINT "Reverse of digits="; S END
QBASIC to find Product of Digits
CLS INPUT "Enter any number'; N P = 1 WHILE N<> 0 R = N MOD 10 P = P*R N = N\10 WEND PRINT "Product of digits="; P END
QBASIC to find Sum of Digits
CLS INPUT "Enter any number"; N S = 0 WHILE N<> 0 R = N MOD 10 S = S+R N = N\10 WEND PRINT "Sum of didits="; S END
QBASIC to diplay Odd or Even
CLS INPUT "Enter any number"; N IF N MOD 2 = 0 THEN PRINT "The number is even" ELSE PRINT "The number is odd" END IF END
QBASIC to display Positive, Negative or Zero
CLS INPUT "Enter any number"; N IF N>0 THEN PRINT "The number is positive" ELSEIF N<0 THEN PRINT " The number is negative" ELSE PRINT "The number is zero" END IF END
QBASIC to find Volume of Cylinder
CLS INPUT "Enter the radisu"; R INPUT "Enter the height"; H V = 22/7*R^2*H PRINT "Volume of cylinder="; V END
QBASIC to find Volume of Cube
CLS INPUT "Enter the length"; L V = L^3 PRINT "Volume of cube="; V END
QBASIC to find Volume of box
CLS INPUT "Enter the length"; L INPUT "Enter the breadth": B INPUT "Enter the height"; H V = L*B*H PRINT "Volume of box="; V END
QBASIC to find Area of Square
CLS INPUT "Ente the length"; L A = L^2 PRINT "Area of square="; A END
QBASIC to find Area of four walls
CLS INPUT "Enter the length"; L INPUT "Enter the breadth"; B INPUT "Enter the height"; H A = 2*H*(L+B) PRINT "Area of four walls="; A END